LEGION Simulator Help

Changing the Titles of a graph

This procedure explains how to change the various titles associated with a graph. You can also choose a different logo to display.

To change the titles of a graph:

  1. In the appropriate Graph Window, right-click and select Properties.

    In the Object Directory, click on the Analysis tab and double-click on the graph you want to customise.

    The ‘Edit Graph’ dialog is displayed.

  2. Type in new titles for the following, as required (or leave blank to use the default title for each):
    • Title
    • Subtitle
    • X-axis title
    • Primary Y-axis title
    • Secondary Y-axis title (if required)
  3. If you want to change the logo displayed at the foot of the graph, click the Browse button, navigate to the appropriate image file and click Open.
  4. To change the period of time covered by the graph’s axes, select an option from the Time Window drop-down list. These range from All simulation to 1 minute.
  5. If you want to make further changes to the graph click Apply and then click on the 'Fonts', 'Appearance' or 'Data Series' tabs to continue.

    Click OK to save your changes and close the ‘Edit Graph’ dialog.